作为世界三大留学国度之一的澳大利亚,究竟哪所大学拥有人数最多的国际学生?根据澳洲权威教育排名机构 Hobsons在《The Good Universities Guide 2010》中的排名,悉尼大学,莫纳什大学,墨尔本大学,西奥大学等都成为留学生人数最多的院校。
Very Big:
University of Ballarat [BALLARAT]
University of Sydney [SYDNEY]
CQUniversity [CQUni]
University of South Australia [UniSA]
Macquarie University [MACQUARIE]
University of New South Wales [UNSW]
University of Melbourne [MELBOURNE]
University of Southern Queensland [USQ]
Monash University [MONASH]
University of Wollongong [WOLLONGONG]
University of Adelaide [ADELAIDE]
La Trobe University [LA TROBE]
Curtin University of Technology [CURTIN]
University of Queensland [QUEENSLAND]
Deakin University [DEAKIN]
RMIT University [RMIT]
Edith Cowan University [ECU]
Swinburne University of Technology [SWINBURNE]
Griffith University [GRIFFITH]
University of Technology, Sydney [UTS]
Australian National University [ANU]
University of Newcastle [NEWCASTLE]
Bond University [BOND]
Queensland University of Technology [QUT]
University of Canberra [CANBERRA]
University of Western Australia [UWA]
Charles Sturt University [CSU]
University of Western Sydney [UWS]
Flinders University [FLINDERS]
Victoria University [VU]
James Cook University [JCU]
Australian Catholic University [ACU]
University of Notre Dame, Australia [NOTRE DAME]
Avondale College [AVONDALE]
Southern Cross University [SOUTHERN CROSS]
Carnegie Mellon University [CARNEGIE MELLON]
University of the Sunshine Coast [SUNSHINE COAST]
Charles Darwin University [CDU]
University of Tasmania [TASMANIA]
Murdoch University [MURDOCH]
University of New England [UNE]
Very Small:
Australian College of Applied Psychology [ACAP]
College of Law [CL (NSW)]
Australian Institute of Music [ALMusic]
Jansen Newman Institute of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy [JNI]
Australian Lutheran College [ALC]
Melbourne Institute of Technology [MIT]
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School [BMIHMS]
Tabor College [TABOR]
Christian Heritage College [CHC]
Wesley Institute [WESLEY]